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  Mala Lengua

Havana Healing: Castro's Minority Scholarship Plan, 3/1/01

Application form

Mission of the Latin American School of
Medical Science

admission requirements, etc.


Minority Medical Scholarships in Cuba

This program is being administered by the Congressional Black Caucus. The buzz in Cuba is that many people are against it since they don't have a clue what it is about, all they see is Americans being given scholarship, and that does not seem fair. Due to the aversion to discussing race in Cuba, no one knows that the scholarships are for minority students! Cubans have little concept of the potential for linking their struggle as an island with 70% of African descent to that of African Americans, this is not part of the culture, due to a certain color blindness.

Application Form

This is the form put out by the Cuban Government. Check with the Black Caucus to see if it is still what is needed.

Application Form (Word, 32kb)
Click on this to download the Word file or see it in your viewer, if you have the Word plug-in.


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