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Letter from Cuba's Ministry of External Affairs offering help, 9/16 World News Afghan genocide Radio Progreso, Miami: Eng & Span
Cuba's friendly response to 9-11 Cuba's government had a very friendly reaction to
9-11. Estamos y estaremos contra el terrorismo y contra la guerra AIN, Cuba: ongoing coverage of the War and Cuba's antiwar stance Mr.
President: The Times Demand a Good Glance at Miami A peaceful solution is still possible, says Fidel 9/29/01 Granma Imminent war places Afghans on the threshold of human tragedy 9/28/01 Granma Cuban American National Foundation tries to keep name even though they had given it up "CANF Fires Back", The Miami Daily Business Review, 9/27/01 Radio Havana - News Update - 9/25/01, Cuba:
Fidel Castro on "Infinite Justice" 22 Sept 2001 "Bin Laden y Fidel Castro", by Carlos Ripoll, El Nuevo Herald, September 22, 2001 As virulent as it gets... Radio
Havana Cuba - Weekend News Update - 22 September 2001 DIA Analyst Passed Classified Info, Says FBI, 9/22 - compendium of articles Agent accused of spying for Cuba Pentagon intelligence analyst charged with sharing classified data 9/21 USA TodayViewpoint: BUSH'S WAR MACHINE MAKES READY FOR MORE KILLING, 9/20 Radio Havana . A full six million [Afghans] currently face starvation,
while almost four million are refugees in camps along the Pakistani and
Iranian borders. United Nations refugee sources say that a war would add to
this misery to such an extent that it would convert Afghanistan into the
worst humanitarian crisis on the planet. This is Washington's target. By
all accounts it won't be a war but a genocide. Cuba agrees that
justice must be brought down upon those who planned and carried out the
attacks on New York and Washington, but not at the cost of more civilian
lives. We do not believe that this is the justice the people of the United
States are seeking. - Radio Havana Radio Havana Cuba news for 9/19
Everything is not lost yet, 9/19/01 Radio Havana "I think this requires firm but coherent and balanced policies and a very robust cooperation among all governments. A massive unilateral and violent reaction, much as it might satisfy the instinctive desire for retribution, would just increase the chances for new incidents like this to take place." -- Dr. Carlos Alzugaray Treto, Profesor Titular, Vicerrector de Investigaciones a.i., Instituto Superior de Relaciones Internacionales, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Cuba U.S. Contacts Sudan, Cuba for Help - AP (Sep 18, 2001) Together with the U.S. people we feel pain and sadness, Granma, 9/17
CANF disinformation
campaign. They focus on Fidel's ties with Iran and Syria, who are being
approached by the US as potential allies, and :Lybia which so far seems out
of the picture. These funders of narcoterrorism
are drumming this into members of congress with a plea to include Cuba among
the targets. Articles from and about Cuba,
9/17, compiled by Milwaukee Coalition to Normalize Relations With Cuba |
By Marc Frank
HAVANA, Sept 20 (Reuters) - Cuba's most important source of cash, tourism, was hit hard by last week's attacks in the United States, and the industry is bracing for more damage if war breaks out, industry officials and workers said this week. "Events of the magnitude that occurred in the United States have a negative impact on tourism -- creating confusion, airline delays, reasonable fears at the moment, and that leads to cancellations," Tourism Minister Ibrahim Ferradaz told Reuters. Ferradaz, in Cuba's first official comments on the crisis' economic impact for the Caribbean island, said it was too early to quantify the damage to tourism, but industry sources said it was already significant. "Sales at the airport are down 70 percent," said a manager at the firm supplying cafeterias and retail shops at Havana's Jose Marti International Airport, the country's largest. Hotels in Cuba's capital were reported nearly empty, cabs idled waiting for customers, and restaurant managers said business was slower than normal. "The hotel is almost empty. It is always slow in September, but this is worse. There are no tourists," said an employee at the Havana Libre Hotel, one of the capital's busiest. The situation at the Varadero beach resort, some 90 miles (140 km) east of Havana and by far the island's most important destination after the capital, was similar, according to tourism workers interviewed by phone this week. Tourism and related revenues had been expected to exceed $2 billion in 2001, more than half of Cuba's hard currency earnings, while local industry was expected to supply more than 60 percent of goods and services consumed by the leisure sector. BRACING FOR FURTHER ECONOMIC DAMAGE Any long-term decline in tourism would prove extremely serious for the communist-governed country, which has depended on the leisure sector to emerge from a decade-long crisis provoked by the collapse of the Soviet Union, analysts said. Cuban President Fidel Castro and the state-run media have vigorously condemned last week's attacks on the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon outside Washington, but they have just as energetically criticized U.S. war preparations. "It's too soon to evaluate the situation," Ferradaz said of tourism. "The United States has announced reprisals, military action, which logically lead many people in the world to postpone travel until it is clear what is going to happen." He added: "We hope tensions ease and that they look for the best possible solutions, but we are also working to deal with these possible difficulties in the coming months." Industry sources reported economic uncertainty in Europe, the source of more than half of visitors to Cuba, had already threatened the coming January through March main tourism season, before last week's attacks and economic after-shocks. Making matters worse, and despite the U.S. economic embargo and partial ban on travel to Cuba, Cuban-American and other U.S. travelers numbered some 200,000 last year, making the United States the island's third tourist provider. "We have had several group cancellations and many groups scheduled to depart in the near future have reduced the number of participants," said Bob Guild, president of the New York-based Marazul travel agency, which specializes in travel to Cuba. "I believe there is a wait and see attitude for the large number of groups and individuals scheduled to depart in December and January," he added. |
News issued by: Milwaukee Coalition to Normalize Relations With Cuba 606 W, Wisconsin Ave. Suite 1706, Milwaukee, WI 53203 (414) 273-1040 ext. 12 aheitzer@igc.org Please see the news items below re Cuba & the Sept. 11th attacks, with links for more info: I. Cuban artists donate blood for US people II. Cuba Expresses Sympathy for U.S. (AP 9/14/01) IV. U.S. MD's Speak of Cubans' Compassion for US NOTE: We previously forwarded the official Cuban Government statement of shock and condolences, issued immediately following news of the Sept. 11th attacks, and including offers of assistance. As seen in Item 5 from Reuters, the concrete offers included to allow diverted plans from the US to land in Cuba, offers of blood (Cuba is at the top in blood donations per capita, and its blood supply is considered quite safe), and of medical personnel (Cuba has also been a leader in sending emergency medical teams, such as after the natural disasters in Central America). If you would like this short statement, we will forward it, or you can get it directly from the website of the Cuban Interest Section, in Washington, http://cubaofia.vze.com/ Since these tragic attacks, the US media (including the 9/13/01 Milwaukee Journal Sentinel & doubtless many other papers) have repeated the official US claim that Cuba is a country that "supports international terrorism." (Without addressing this in detail, we believe it would be more accurate to say that Florida is a state that continues to harbor and export international terrorism, against civilian Cuban targets in particular. A recent summary of this situation contained in a statement from the Cuban National Assembly can be seen at: http://www.blythe.org/nytransfer-subs/Caribbean/CUBANS_JAILED_IN_MIAMI:_POLI TICAL_PRISONERS_OF_THE_EMPIRE) I. CUBAN ARTISTS DONATE BLOOD FOR US PEOPLE (9/14/01) While New York and Washington are still in shock, the Cuban artists nominated for the Latin Grammy and the rest of the island's delegation that traveled to Los Angeles today went to a children's hospital in this US city to give their blood in a gesture of solidarity and support for the victims. Julio Ballester, director of the Cuban Music Recording and Publishing Company (EGREM), said from Los Angeles to the Cuban daily Juventud Rebelde that it's still uncertain how the awarding of the Grammy still take place: "Up until today there was no agreement in relation to the different proposals such as, for example, sending the awards to the winners later on and definitively canceling the award ceremony." [from www.cubasi.com, a very visual & creative website, with emphasis on current culture, including Cuba's hit parade, sending Cuban picture postcards via email to your friends, etc.] II. US INTERESTS SECTION REMAINS OPEN IN HAVANA IN WAKE OF TERRORIST ATTACK Havana, September 11 (RHC)--In the wake of the terrorist acts mounted Tuesday against the United States, the Havana US Interests Section was one of the few Washington diplomatic offices across the world to remain open. Cubans waiting to enter the Interests Section were not subjected to any more delay than usual and no extra security was in evidence. Roads around the Interests Section remained open and the only concern was shown by Cubans for the innocent people killed in New York and elsewhere in the worst attack against the US since Pearl Harbor in 1941. Foreign diplomats doing service in Havana have often said how much safer Cuba is than almost anywhere else in the world both on an official as well as a personal basis. [from Radio Havana, Cuba www.radiohc.org] III. CUBA EXPRESSES SYMPATHY FOR U.S. c The Associated Press HAVANA (AP) - After decades of criticizing the United States, Cuba has moved to support its northern neighbor after terrorist attacks destroyed the World Trade Center and part of the Pentagon. Cuban television interrupted normal programming to broadcast images of Tuesday's carnage, and news shows have included updates from CNN's Spanish channel on the investigation and aftermath. President Fidel Castro condemned the attacks and offered whatever medical assistance the Communist island could spare during a scheduled television appearance late Tuesday. ``The government of our country rejects and condemns with full force the attacks against the mentioned installations and expresses its sincerest condolences to the American people for the painful and unjustifiable loss of human life,'' the Cuban government said in a statement issued hours after the attacks. At noon in Havana, Cuban workers filed out of European embassies to observe with their foreign co-workers a moment of silence in remembrance of the victims. The Roman Catholic Church in Cuba also said it would celebrate a Mass on Sunday in remembrance of the victims. Throughout the city, European tourists and Cuban workers gather around televisions in hotels and restaurants, watching and talking solemnly about what happened. The U.S. State Department lists Cuba as one of seven ``sponsors of terrorism.'' The other countries are North Korea, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Sudan and Syria. IV. IN HAVANA, VISITING US PHYSICIANS SPEAK OF COMPASSION OF CUBAN PEOPLE Havana, September 14 (RHC)--In Havana on Friday, a group of prominent US medical experts highlighted Friday the attitude of compassion and sympathy shown by the Cuban population with regard to the tragedy in the United States. The visitors also condemned Washington's blockade against Cuba. The team of US doctors, five eminent physicians, including two former surgeons general, travelled to Havana accompanied by Bob Schwartz, executive director of the New York-based Disarm Education Fund, an organization that has brought over $65 million worth of humanitarian aid to the island over the past few years. Schwartz told RHC he was deeply impressed by the reaction of the Cuban population with regard to the tragedy the US people are now living. "I think all of us, this entire delegation, was overwhelmed by the concern that all of the Cubans, not just the doctors, not just the health officials, everybody in Cuba has expressed to us, whether it's a taxi driver, a hotel employee -people on the street come up to us. And everyone is shocked by what they've seen on television, hearing on the radio, and they're all very concerned, they're all very sympathetic, Schwartz said. The director of the Disarm Education Fund also told RHC that he's shocked about the events in the U.S., but has mixed feelings: "I have very mixed feelings about what I see. I'm watching the television and I'm shocked at what has happened in the United States. But I also think about the way the embargo, over the past 40 years, has created so much need and suffering and death in Cuba. I think it's a time while we're looking at how disasters affect the United States we should also be looking at the impact that embargoes -- it's not just the Cuban embargo, it's all embargoes. They kill just as surely as bombs and bullets and we need to end embargoes." V. Cuba's Castro Expresses Sympathy By Andrew Cawthorne HAVANA, Sept 11 (Reuters) - Cuban President Fidel Castro, a longtime political foe of the United States, warned on Tuesday of "dangerous days" ahead for the world and urged U.S. policy-makers to keep calm following deadly attacks in Washington and New York. The controversial communist leader also said Washington's own past use of "terrorism" against other countries was partially to blame for the three crashes of hijacked planes against New York's landmark World Trade Center and the Pentagon outside Washington. The attacks killed thousands of people. "In part, these tragedies are a consequence of having applied terrorist methods -- against Cuba for many years, and in the case of other countries -- because they have spread the idea of terrorism," Castro said in an evening speech. Cuba, which is on the U.S. list of states allegedly sponsoring terrorism, in turn accuses Washington of a four-decade-old policy of "terrorism" and "genocide" against Havana through an economic embargo and support for acts of violence. Castro, who spoke at the inauguration of a school, said Tuesday's events had thrown the world into uncertainty, and urged restraint from the United States. "It's very important to know what the U.S. government's reaction will be. There are possibly dangerous days ahead for the world," he said. "If on one occasion it is permissible to make a suggestion to the enemy ... we would urge the leaders of the imperial power to be calm, act with equanimity, and not be dragged by moments of anger or hatred ... into wanting to hunt people, tossing bombs all over the place." Rather, Castro said, the United States and the world should seek to tackle the roots of terrorism like unresolved international conflicts and an unjust socio-economic order. "SEARCH FOR PEACE" "Search for peace everywhere to protect all peoples against this plague of terrorism," Castro said, drawing an ovation from his audience of several thousand. "None of the world's problems, including terrorism, can be resolved by force." Earlier, Havana expressed its "solidarity" and "pain" after the attacks, and offered air and medical facilities to help. "We deeply regret the loss of human life, and our position is of total rejection of this sort of terrorist attack," Cuban Foreign Minister Felipe Perez Roque told reporters. Cuba, which lies 90 miles (140 km) south of Florida, offered to receive aircraft blocked from entering the United States because of the closure of airports there. An official government statement added Havana's offer to cooperate with medical aid to the United States. Castro said that could range from sending blood to medical personnel as needed. "The Cuban government heard news of the attacks with pain and sadness," the communique said. "At this bitter time, our people express solidarity with the U.S. people and express total willingness to cooperate, as far as our modest possibilities allow." But in a reminder of Cuba's hostile relationship with its northern neighbor, Perez said the islanders could sympathize with victims of Tuesday's attacks because "Our people have suffered four decades of terrorism, and we know very well the consequences of this sort of act." Pre-empting possible speculation -- which has not emerged -- that Havana might have had a hand in Tuesday's events, Perez said: "About any idea of Cuban involvement, I don't think that's even worth referring to. No one could be thinking such a barbarous thing." Castro, in his nearly two-hour speech, noted the "efficiency, organization and synchronization" of Tuesday's attacks, and suggested it was not necessarily the work of a big group. "Nobody knows the damage small groups of 20, 25 or 30 people -- fanatics or people committed to certain ideas -- can do," he said. A leading Cuban dissident also sent condolences in an open letter to Bush, and Cuban musicians in Los Angeles for Tuesday night's canceled Latin Grammy awards announced they were also canceling a concert scheduled for Wednesday. [the full text of Castro's remarks, so far in Spanish only, are available at http://cubaofia.vze.com/ |
My Dear American Friends and Colleagues:
Since the appalling terrorist attacks against New York and Washington
last Tuesday, I have been mulling over how to put my response into words
in order to express to you my feelings. With some of you I have
coincided in criticizing U.S. policies; with some of you, who support
those policies, I have strongly disagreed. Carlos Alzugaray Dr. Carlos Alzugaray Treto, Telefonos: (53-7) 22-2571, 22-3593 & 23-5097 |
HAVANA (AP) - After decades of criticizing the United States, Cuba has
moved to support its northern neighbor after terrorist attacks destroyed
the World Trade Center and part of the Pentagon. Cuban television interrupted normal programming to broadcast images of Tuesday's carnage, and news shows have included updates from CNN's Spanish channel on the investigation and aftermath. President Fidel Castro condemned the attacks and offered whatever medical assistance the Communist island could spare during a scheduled television appearance late Tuesday. ``The government of our country rejects and condemns with full force the attacks against the mentioned installations and expresses its sincerest condolences to the American people for the painful and unjustifiable loss of human life,'' the Cuban government said in a statement issued hours after the attacks. At noon in Havana, Cuban workers filed out of European embassies to observe with their foreign co-workers a moment of silence in remembrance of the victims. The Roman Catholic Church in Cuba also said it would celebrate a Mass on Sunday in remembrance of the victims. Throughout the city, European tourists and Cuban workers gather around televisions in hotels and restaurants, watching and talking solemnly about what happened. The U.S. State Department lists Cuba as one of seven ``sponsors of terrorism.'' The other countries are North Korea, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Sudan and Syria. |
RESPONSIBILITY There is no joy here in Cuba at the events of Tuesday. No one is cheering or holding impromptu block parties to celebrate the most astonishing act of terrorism in history against what has been for Cuba an implacable enemy for 40 years. There is, instead, a profound feeling of shock, revulsion and compassion and very real apprehension about the cries for vengeance that emanate from every corner of the White House and the US Congress. The most powerful nation on earth has been put on a war footing and history has taught us all what to expect when Washington starts waving the cudgel self-righteously. The families of almost a million Japanese, four million Koreans, three million Vietnamese, and thousands of Iraqis and Yugoslavians can all attest to what occurs when the Oval Office scrambles its bombers. It is hard to avoid the obvious accusation that an editorial such as this will be viewed as a cheap shot against a weakened United States, but there is an urgent need to respond to staggering and inconceivable statements from US politicians and people calling for the use of nuclear, biological and chemical weapons in an almost triumphal assertion that this is their first war of the 21st century. The sabre rattling is deafening and very frightening to us all. US mainstream media is stirring the hatred by airing statements from people "on the street" calling for an immediate strike, an immediate all-out war against the "enemy." But who is the "enemy?" The enemy are successive Washington administrations that have for more than five decades promoted terrorism on an enormous scale across the globe. Administrations that have trained international military personnel in techniques of torture and terrorism in its meek-sounding School of the Americas. Administrations that have for 40 years permitted and supported terrorist attacks against its island neighbor whose only crime was to advocate a different socio-political system. Administrations that introduced the world to nuclear holocaust, to carpet bombing, to horrendous use of phosphorous and napalm bombs. Administrations that maintain an economic blockade that is directly responsible for the loss of hundreds of thousands of Iraqi children's lives. Administrations that support one of the most repressive, brutal and racist regimes on earth with massive flows of money and weapons to use against the Palestinian people. Administrations that financed the Latin American dictatorships of the eighties and then later "apologized" for some of the unspeakable crimes they committed in the name of "democracy." Tuesday was the anniversary of the US sponsored coup in Chile in which a legitimately elected government was brought down with extreme violence. The man behind this event and the covert wars within Cambodia and Argentina, Henry Kissinger, is one of those that today clamour for a "tough and decisive" response to the attacks in New York and Washington, who clamours for a blind war against an invisible enemy. Few doubt that Washington has just suffered the consequences of its actions across the globe. Even if Osama Bin Laden is found to be responsible, the people of the US should know that he was previously trained and used by the CIA in its war against the former government of Afghanistan. George W. Bush will seek to take the war to another part of the globe where more civilians can pay for the death of US civilians without their blood and disfigured bodies being shown on CNN. No solution will be forthcoming in the destruction of those deemed responsible. The enemy will still be there because the enemy comes from within. The CIA supported Noriega, Marcos, Sukarno, the Shah, Idi Amin, Mobuto, the Contra, Pinochet, the Argentinian generals, d'Aubuison, Somoza, Batista, Stroessner et al - the list is long and represents the obliteration of hundreds of thousands of civilian lives. In Panama 2,000, in Nicaragua 30,000, in El Salvador 75,000, in Guatemala over 150,000, in Indonesia 300,000. The people of the US can surely no longer remain immune from the terrorism their governments provoke, promote and tolerate in their name. After the rage, the hatred, and the clamouring for vengeance have subsided, the time for reflection must come. War should be declared on the real threats to humanity: AIDS, racism, neo-colonialism, ruthless free market profiteering and Washington's "democracy" of domination. That way the poverty and desperation that creates the kind of hatred of the US that leads to such unspeakable acts of terrorism will be avoided. The security and welfare of the United States clearly depends on social justice for all. There must be a change in this US psyche of isolation and pre-eminence or we shall all be brought to the brink of disaster once more. The people of Cuba indeed share in the pain and distress of their neighbors, but at the same time they are reminded of the fact that five of their own were recently found guilty in a Florida court for combating this very same kind of despicable terrorism that has so stupefied the world after its use against the US. The chickens have come home to roost and there is no smugness or satisfaction in saying it -- just very sincere anxiety for what may follow. (c) 2001 Radio Habana Cuba, NY Transfer News. All rights reserved. |
Havana, September 13 (RHC)--Cuban media are giving maximum coverage to
the events that took place in the United States on Tuesday. During the
nightly news and information roundtable -- broadcast live on Cuban radio
and television -- journalists and experts in international affairs
examined the terrorist attacks in New York City and Washington. Taking
reports from news cables and showing video images from U.S. and European
television transmissions, the panellists examined the situation
following the attacks on the World Trade Center in Manhattan and the
Pentagon in Washington, DC. Eduardo Dimas, a commentator on both Cuban
radio and television, noted that U.S. authorities are calling for a
massive, military response to the attacks. He recalled the warning
issued by Cuban President Fidel Castro on Tuesday, emphasizing that a
violent response to the terrorist attacks will only generate more
violence. Dimas pointed out that a commitment to international
cooperation in the fight against terrorism and an end to State-sponsored
terrorism is the only way to restore peace. Panellists on Wednesday's
special roundtable discussion unanimously echoed the sentiment of the
Cuban government and people to offer any assistance possible to the
victims of the terrorist actions inside the United States. -- from http://www.radiohc.org/Distributions/Radio_Havana_English/ Radio_Havana_Cuba-13_September_2001 |
*CUBA REACTS WITH HORROR AND SYMPATHY TO ATTACKS ON US Havana, September 12 (RHC)--In the aftermath of the terrorist attacks against the United States, the Cuban press has dedicated important space to condemning the events of Tuesday in which the death toll is expected to reach many thousands. After repeating the words of President Fidel Castro -- in which he condemned the attacks outright and offered medical and other humanitarian aid -- newspapers, radio and TV programs said how much the people of Cuba felt the pain and sadness of their neighbors in the north. Granma newspaper devoted three of its eight pages to the events as did Juventud Rebelde, terming the attacks a tragedy for the world and repeating the words of Fidel Castro calling for an international fight against terrorism which he referred to as "a plague." The Cuban leader said that in his opinion the most important duty any US leader had today was to fight terrorism but that in the emotions and stress of the next few days he hoped Washington acts with equanimity in finding the perpetrators of the catastrophe and put aside blinding hatred in applying any sanctions. The Cuban president's position was supported by the people in the street that everywhere on the island declared their horror for what had happened, many of them having relatives that live in New York. |
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