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Olivia King Canter
Itineraries for afrocuban religion & culture

Olivia King Canter has been living in Havana since 1996. She is a santera and espiritista. After studying folkloric dance at the national School of the Arts (ENA) for two years, she is now doing investigative research at the Center for the Investigation and Development of Cuban Music(CIDMUC), 
focusing on the Arara. 

Together with her Cuban husband, also a santero, she arranges itineraries for individuals and small groups who would like to visit the island and are especially interested in Afro-cuban religion and culture.

Should you wish additional information, please contact Olivia at:

calle 35 #168 e/e 6 y Loma
Nuevo Vedado, Plaza
La Habana, CUBA
Tel: (53.7)66.64.71


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