From: "Mauricio A. Font"
Subject: Ortiz Symposium: Preliminary Program for March 20-22, 2000 (2/26/2000)
Cuban Counterpoints: The Fernando Ortiz Symposium on Cuban Culture and History
9th Floor Conference Hall, The Graduate Center
City University of New York
March 20-22, 2000This symposium focuses on the life and work of Fernando
Ortiz to explore the complex and fertile relationship between his work and Cuban
history, culture, and the arts.
Index to the schedule (click for
more info)
Monday, March 20
Registration 12:30 P.M.
Exhibit: Photographs and Books
Opening 1:30-1:50 P.M.
Presentation: Mauricio A. Font, Director, Cuba Project
Welcome: Frances Degen Horowitz
President, The Graduate Center
Remarks: Margaret Crahan
The Graduate Center and Hunter College
Miguel Barnet
Director, Fundación Fernando Ortiz
Panel 1 2:00-4:00 P.M. Fernando Ortiz: Life and Legacy
Moderator: Miguel Barnet
"Formación intelectual de Ortiz en España"
Consuelo Naranjo
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Madrid
"Fernando Ortiz: Cubano entre cubanos"
José A. Matos Arévalos
Fundación Fernando Ortiz
"El homo cubensis: de la etnología a la antropología de la cubanidad"
Rafael Rojas
Colegio de México
"Fernando Ortiz: mi padre"
María Fernanda Ortiz
Madrid y Houston
Discussant: Alfonso Quiroz
The Graduate Center and Baruch College
Panel 2 4:10-6:10 P.M. Orticiana: Research and Prospects
Moderator: Mauricio Font
"Ortiz y la etnografía en Cuba"
María del Rosario Díaz
Instituto de Literatura y Linguística
"Research at the Fernando Ortiz Foundation"
Miguel Barnet
Fundación Fernando Ortiz
Discussant: Jane Gregory Rubin
Monday, March 20
Concert: "Cuban Legacy: The Classics"
Recital Hall 7:15 P.M.
Tuesday, March 21
Registration 8:00 A.M.
Panel 3 8:30-10:45 A.M. Interpreting Cuban History
Moderator: Margaret Crahan
"El ideario político de Fernando Ortiz"
Carmen Almodóvar
University of Havana
"Revisiting Tobacco"
Jean Stubbs
University of North London
"El nacionalismo cubano y los Estados Unidos"
Ana Cairo
University of Havana
"Ciencia y pensamiento: La Institución Hispano-Cubana de Cultura"
Miguel Angel Puig-Samper
Centro Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Madrid
"The Early Republic: Politics, Civic Culture, and Sovereignty"
Marifeli Perez-Stable
SUNY-Old Westbury and Florida International University
Panel 4 11-12 Noon Ortiz and Cuban Cinema 
Moderator: Jerry Carlson
"Ortiz and Una Pelea Cubana Contra los Demonios"
Jerry Carlson
City College & CUNY-TV
Rigoberto López, filmmaker
Tuesday, March 21 ...
Lunch: 12:15 P.M.
Panel 5 1:30-3:30 P.M. Anthropology and the Social Sciences 
Moderator: Carmen Almodóvar
"Transcultural Anthropology in the Américas: The Uses of Fernando Ortiz"
Fernando Coronil
University of Michigan
"Fernando Ortiz, Gilberto Freyre, and the Myth of Mulataje"
Julio César Pino
Kent State University
"The Notion of Embeddednes in Ortiz"**
Enrique Pumar
American University
"Interlocking Cultures in the African Diaspora: The Work of Fernando Ortiz"
Marta Moreno Vega
The Caribbean Cultural Center
Panel 6 3:45-5:45 P.M. Diversity and National Identity
Moderator: Johneta Cole*
"The Plantation and the Frontier: Two Keys to Cuban Culture"
Luis Martínez-Fernández
Rutgers University
"Vigencia del concepto de afrocubano"
Tomás Fernández Robaina
Biblioteca Nacional "José Martí"
"Transculturation a la Ajiaco: A Recipe for Modernity"
Patricia D. Catoira
University of New Mexico
"Ortizs Primitives"
Eduardo González
Johns Hopkins University
Tuesday, March 21
Concert: "Cuban Legacy: The Afro-Cuban Heritage"
Recital Hall 7:15 P.M.
Wednesday, March 22
Registration 8:00 A.M.
Panel 7 8:30-10:30 A.M. Law and Religion
Moderator: María Fernanda Ortiz
"On Crime and Punishment: Ortiz Reforms the Penal Code"
Alejandra Bronfman
Princeton University
David López*
Fundación Fernando Ortiz
"La religión en la obra de Fernando Ortiz"
Jorge Ramirez Calzadilla
"Ethnographic Dualism, Racial Ambivalence and Global Santeria"
Lisa Maya Knauer
New York University
Margaret Crahan
The Graduate Center and Hunter College
Panel 8 10:40 A.M.-12:40 P.M. Ortiz and Literature
Moderator: Pamela Smorkaloff, New York University
"El explorador erudito: emblema, símbolos, y metáforas conceptuales en las
teorías de Fernando Ortiz"
Antonio Fernández Ferrer
Universidad de Alcalá, Spain
"Carnaval, masculinidad y máscaras de la identidad en Cuba y Brasil: el
travestismo cultural de Fernando Ortiz"
Jossiana Arroyo
University of Michigan
"Ortiz Returns to the Island of the Iremes"
Octavio Di Leo
Yale University
"De como Fernando Ortiz supo hallar una moza esquiva para cierto caballero
Ricardo Viñalet
Instituto de Literatura y Linguística
Discussant: Pedro Perez-Sarduy, London
Wednesday, March 22 ...
Lunch 12:45 P.M.
Panel 9 2:00-3:45 P.M. Music and Dance
Moderator: Olga Garay, Doris Duke Charitable Foundation
"Fernando Ortiz, Fundador"
Maria Teresa Linares
Ethnologist, Fundación Fernando Ortiz
"Changuí: The Afro-Haitian Presence in Eastern Cuba and its Significance in the
Development of Cuban son"
Benjamin Lapidus
Graduate School, City University of New York
"Dance and the Formation of National Subjects in Revolutionary Cuba"
Tara Susman
Columbia University
Discussant: J. Michael Turner
Hunter College
Closing Session 4-5:30 P.M.
Rapporteurs Report
Bill Kornblum
The Graduate Center
Cuban Film and Video Festival
after 1 P.M. on March 21 and after 10 A.M. on March 22
- "Una Pelea Cubana Contra los Demonios" (Tomás Gutiérrez
Alea, Director; based on book by Fernando Ortiz)
- "El Tercer Descubridor" (Documentary on Ortiz by the late
filmmaker Oscar Valdés)
- "Mensajero de los Dioses" (Rigoberto López)
- "La Ultima Rumba de Papá Montero" (Octavio Cortazar, 1986,
57 minutes)
- "Yo Soy, del Son a la Salsa" (Rigoberto López)
Coordinated by Jerry Carlson, City College and CUNY-TV.
Shown after 1 P.M. on March 21 and after 10 A.M. on March 22
LOCATION: Concourse C203  |