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Cornell Africana Library

MSN France

Canadian Broadcasting Corporation

Clarence's Italian site

Reviews - what people are saying about AfroCubaWeb

As of April, 2015, we have 22,700 pages linking to us. You can see this by running this google search:

This page was written in the early 2000s:

We are listed in over 830 locations, including Google, Yahoo, Lycos, infoseek, Prema's Africa Web, Art McGee's List of Black/African Resources, NACLA (North American Congress on Latin America), LANIC (Latin American Network Information Center) at the University of Texas, CBS, MSN France, La Habana Elegante, African-New World Studies at Florida International University, Trinity College, Brown, Princeton, Adventure Divas, WoYaa!, and many others.  Robots, spiders, crawlers and search services constantly visit our site to update their references. Below are some extracts that show how we are portrayed.

See our site statistics.

Y2G "The Best of the Life" is an African American site which reviewed over a thousand sites in various categories.  We made it to the top 25 in History and Culture.  Here are some of their comments:

"AfroCuba Web is the greatest resource for information about Black Cuba and updates on Assata Shakur's exile. "

"The only source for Black Cuba on the web that I trust and respect."

See their listings of us at

On Lycos - top rated as of 5/1/99 in Afro-Carribean Religions and Yoruba

Afro-Carribean Religions
  Top Rated Websites
Rating Web Pages
89 John Mason
  Top Rated Websites
Rating Web Pages
93 Yorubic Medicine: The Art of divine Herbology
92 Baobab

- from

Top Rated on infoseek

Cultures in Cuba topics        History
Cultures in Cuba web sites

Titles 1 - 10 of 12
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** Afro-Cuban Culture
Resource listings for online Afro-cuban cultural pages.

** AfroCubaWeb: AfroCuban culture
Presents the African cultures in Cuba.

Top of the list at Cornell's Africana Library (OK, it's alphabetical!)

Africana LibraryAlternative Logo


Here are a few exemplary home pages which indicate the variety of internet resources available in this subject area.

Microsoft Network France

Le Guide Web - Les liens - Cuba / Divertissement, culture
Voici les 7 sites référencés dans Le Guide Web de MSN France.

Rajouter ce lien à votre page MSN FranceRajouter ce lien à votre page MSN FranceRajouter ce lien à votre page MSN France
Che, Commandant, Ami 
Version électronique du livre consacré à Che Guevara. - Tous publics - Français
Ce site consacré à Ernesto Guevara publie l'intégralité du livre commémoratif de Dominique Bertuccioli et J.Andrés Neira. Il retrace l'histoire de ce médecin d'origine argentine, son engagement aux côtés de la révolution cubaine, son naufrage bolivien..., et propose discours, entrevues et autres pièces d'archives.

Rajouter ce lien à votre page MSN FranceRajouter ce lien à votre page MSN FranceRajouter ce lien à votre page MSN France
Informations sur "les sources africaines de la culture cubaine". - Tous publics - Anglais
Dans la mouvance afrocentriste de la communauté noire nord-américaine, ce service tente de cerner la culture cubaine à travers les différentes ethnies qui l'ont influencée. Poètes, musiciens, écrivains et danseurs sont présentés, et un catalogue de liens renvoie vers un anneau virtuel consacré à ce sujet. [replace _AT_ with @]

Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, Global Village

Our reference: AfroCubaWeb: music, and much more


Clarence's Italian site
A tourist guide

In Italian!  We are listed in the "I Magnifici 10" for Cuba - the Magnificent 10!!!

Contacting AfroCubaWeb

Electronic mail [replace _AT_ with @]

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