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Upcoming: Cuba | Past Conferences & Exhibits: Cuba |
Upcoming: US & Canada | Past Conferences & Exhibits: the US |
Upcoming: Caribbean | Past Conferences: Caribbean |
Upcoming Europe | Past Conferences: Europe |
See also Dance and Music Workshops and Festivals & Carnivals. See also Traveling to Cuba
Progressive Community Technology Delegation-Trip to Cuba | April 9-17 | Havana |
XV Conferencia Internacional «Cultura africana y afroamericana», Dedicado África y su influencia en los países del área |
12 al 16 de abril del 2016 | Santiago De Cuba |
XV International Conference on the African and Afro American Culture, Dedicated to Africa and its influence in the countries of the area |
from 12 to 16 abril, 2016 | Santiago De Cuba |
You can find out about other conferences in Cuba at the Buro de Convenciones' web site: www.cubameeting.co.cu
27th Annual Symposium: "Afro-Latin America: Rethinking, Identity, Politics & Culture" |
December 1-3, 2011 |
African American Studies & Research Center, Perdue University |
Enkiko Erufie Erufie: Drawings by Jose Orbein. These drawings have their inspiration in Abakwa themes. |
Opening Night: June 3, 2011, |
Arte Puro at Deauville Beach Resort, Miami. |
XIII International Conference On The African and Afro American Culture. Dedicated to Africa and its influence in the countries of the area. | 12th to 16th of April, 2014 | Centro Cultural Africano, Fernando Ortiz, Santiago De Cuba |
XIII Conferencia Internacional «Cultura Africana y Afroamericana», Santiago de Cuba. Dedicado a África y su influencia en los países del área. | 12 al 16 de abril del 2014 | Centro Cultural Africano, Fernando Ortiz, Santiago De Cuba |
IX Coloquio y Festival Internacional de Música y Poesía Nicolás Guillén | April 8-11. 2014 | La Habana |
VIII Bienal de Oralidad y IX Simposio Teorico, Santiago de Cuba - de los patakies al hip hop. | 8 al 12 de septiembre del 2013 | Centro Cultural Africano, Fernando Ortiz, Santiago De Cuba |
Afrocubanas invita: Taller Género y “raza” | 30/1/2013 | Negra Cubana: El Grupo de Mujeres Afrocubanas y ARA-Cuba les invitan al Taller Género y “raza” que se llevará a efecto el día 30 de enero ...impartido por la socióloga y Máster en estudios de Género, Yulexis Almeida, profesora de la carrera de Sociología de la Universidad de La Habana. |
XVII Taller Científico de Antropología Social y Cultural Afroamericana y VI Encuentro de Oralidad “Festival Afropalabra” |
La Habana, Cuba. Se dedicará a la cultura Abacuá. |
XXXII Caribbean Festival, Feast of Fire, Dedicated to Martinique - Fiesta del Fuego |
7/3/2012 - 7/9/2012 |
City of Santiago de Cuba |
Convocatoria al XIX Encuentro de Comunicadores Sociales "Caribe 2000" |
7/3/12 - 7/7/12 |
Santiago de Cuba. Hace parte del Fiesta del Fuego. |
May 17 - June 7, 2012 | Cuba's premier art festival, La Habana | |
XIIth International Conference on African and Afro- American Cultures |
4/12/2012 - 4/16/2012 | Santiago de Cuba |
The Black Women of Cuba from the 20th Century into the 21st |
May 21 to 28, 2011 |
Trip from US to Cuba organized by Common Ground and Pedro Perez Sarduy. |
¿Existe la discriminación racial en Cuba hoy?, | 6/25/11 | Cofradía de la Negritud, La Habana |
15 Taller de Antropologia
Social y Cultural Afroamericana |
7-1-2011 | Opus Habana |
XIII Taller Científico de Antropología Social y Cultural Afroamericana y II Encuentro de Oralidad "Festival Afropalabra" |
6/1/09 - 10/1/09 |
Casa de Africa, La Habana, Cuba |
Convocatoria: Coloquio Internacional sobre Investigaciones de las Religiones Afroamericanas | 25/5/08-27/5/08 | la Habana, Cuba |
X International Conference African and Afroamerican Culture Santiago de Cuba, - Dedicated to Africa and its influence on the region X CONFERENCIA INTERNACIONAL CULTURA AFRICANA Y AFROAMERICANA |
April 14 to 17, 2008 |
Santiago de Cuba |
The 5th International Congress on Culture and Development www.cultydes.cult.cu |
6/11/07-6/14/07 |
Havana: conference on cultural diversity, workshops included. |
VIII Conferencia Internacional ANTROPOLOGIA 2006 | 27-Nov | 30-Nov | C. Habana | Centro de Antropología | Havanatur | Dr. Pedro
Pablo Godo Torres, Telf.(537)8775661 y 8782341, Email:antropol_AT_ceniai.inf.cu (replace _AT_ with @) |
IX Conferencia Internacional " Cultura Africana Y Afroamericana," Santiago De Cuba, |
4/10/06 - 4/15/06 |
Santiago |
III Conference: The Nation and Emigration |
May 21-23, 2004. |
la Habana |
3rd to 9th July, 2004 |
City of Santiago de Cuba and Guantanamo. Call for participation in the colloquia. |
VIII Taller Científico de Antropología Social y Cultural sobre la influencia africana en la cultura "Entre Cubanos" |
1/6/2004 - 1/9/2004 |
La Casa de Africa de la Oficina del Historiador de la Ciudad |
Cultural | Percussion | XIV International Percussion Festival PERCUBA 2003 | 4/15/2003 | 4/19/2003 | Havana | Teatro Amadeo Roldán |
Ortiz" African Cultural Center |
8th World Orisha CONGRESS | 7/7/03-7/13/03 | Havana, Asociacion Cultural Yoruba De Cuba in collaboration with the World Orisha Congress |
VII Taller Científico de Antropología Social y Cultural sobre la influencia africana en la cultura "Entre Cubanos" | January, 2003 | La Habana, Casa de Africa |
Simposio Nicolás Guillén | October, 2002 | Camaguey, his birth place |
VII Conferencia Internacional de Cultura Africana y Afroamericana | 4/14/02 -
4/20/02 |
Centro Conv. Heredia | Santiago de Cuba | Lic. Pedro A. López
Cerviño, Telf.(53226)654571 al 72, dirprov@cultstgo.cult.cu
IV Simposio Internacional "La Presencia Arabe e Islamica en América" | 10/8/02 -
10/12/02 |
Unión Arabe de Cuba | Ciudad de La Habana | Sr. Alfredo
Deriche Gutiérrez, Telf. (537)610582 y 614575, Fax:(537)338074, uac@ip.etecsa.cu |
Race and Revolution: Afro-Cubans in Cuban History, Society and the Cuban Revolution |
May, 2002 |
Course offered by St Mary's University, Halifax, Canada, Spring Term 2002 with trip to Cuba in May. See updated schedule with many links. |
"SOCIAL JUSTICE IN CUBA" will commence in mid-May for two weeks for a candid examination of the achievements and aspirations of women, people of colour, youth, and lesbians and gays on the island. | Monday 13 May - Monday 27 May, 2002. | Canada's New Democratic Party's Socialist Caucus |
July 7 - 14, 2002 | La Habana, Cuba - on the noted poet whose work was inspired by earlier generations of Africans, especially those from Oyo, Nigeria. |
Afro-Cuba Today: People, Culture and Historical Environment | July 6-27, 2002 | University of Massachusetts, Department of Africana Studies |
Cultural/historical tour of Havana and Trinidad | March 15-23 , 2002 | CCE, ($1,995)![]() |
2001 Musicology Award. International Colloquium On Musicology | 10/22-10/27/01 | Casa De Las Americas, Havana |
VI Taller Científico de Antropología Social y Cultural sobre la influencia africana en la cultura "Entre Cubanos" | 1/6/02 - 1/9/02 | Casa de Africa, Havana call for papers |
Second Colloquium "Marcelino Arozarena, poeta cubana actual y actuante" ["Marcelino Arozarena, Cuban poet of action and activism"] | 4/14/01 - 4/16/01 | Havana, Cuba |
III Festival y Coloquio de Música y Poesía "Nicolás Guillén" | 4/16/01 - 4/21/01 | Havana, Cuba |
XXI Festival Del Caribe : features an extensive workshop on popular religion, which translates to religions of African origin. Call for participation. | 7/3/01 - 7/9/01 | Santiago de Cuba |
In conjunction with Casa del Caribe, the African Atlantic Research Team (AART), University of Colorado, presents RACE, RELIGION, AND NATIONAL IDENTITY | 12/27/00 - 1/2/01 | Santiago de Cuba |
Cuba: Indigenous Legacies
of the Caribbean A Tour-Conference - "Music, Plants and
January 5 -12, 2001 | In Cuba: Antonio Nufiez Jimenez Foundation for
Nature and Man In Canada: Indigenous World Tours/Plenty Canada, Dr. Jose Barreiro |
V Taller Científico de Antropología Social y Cultural Afroamericana -- call for papers | 1/6/01 - 1/9/01 | La Havana, Casa de Africa |
Nombre | Fecha | Sede | Provincia | Turoperador | Datos del Comité Organizador | ||
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Festival de Raices Africanas "Wemilere" | 11/22/00 | 11/28/00 | Guanabacoa | Ciudad de La Habana | PARADISO | Sra. Ada Rosa Alfonso Rosales, Telf. (537)970202 y 979187 | <no disponible> |
III Encuentro Internacional de Estudiantes de Artes Plásticas | 11/1/00 | Facultad Artes Plásticas ISA | Ciudad de La Habana | PARADISO | Lic. Miguel Mariano Gómez Hernández, Telf. (537)210083, Fax:(537)336633, Email:isa@reduniv.edu.cu |
Taller Internacional de Guión, Producción y Realización de Espectáculos Musicales | 9/1/00 | 9/30/00 | Teatro | Ciudad de La Habana | PARADISO | Sr. Eduardo Valdés Rivero, Telf. (537)323184 y 553113, Fax:(537)333158, Email:uneac@artsoft.cult.cu | |
Por las Huellas de México | 9/15/00 | 9/19/00 | Plaza de la Revolución | Granma | PARADISO | Sr. José Antonio Leyva, Telf. (5323)424833 y 425302, Fax:(5323)426513, Email:pompa@comarit.com.cu | |
Festival de La Habana de Música Contemporanea | 10/1/00 | 10/9/00 | Teatros | Ciudad de La Habana | PARADISO Viajes Cubanacan | Sr. Guido López Gavilán, Telf. (357)320194 y 327121, Fax:(537)333158, Email:uneac@artsoft.cult.cu |
Community & Culture: on cultural activism at the neighborhood level in Cuba! "Our mission is to preserve and foster Traditional Popular Culture." | 10/16/00 - 10/20/00 | Habana, Cuba. US representative at cbrandydrum@earthlink.net -- -- Tel : 510
464-5902![]() |
XX Festival del Caribe "Fiesta del Fuego" (see last year's notice and also call for papers, XX Festival del Caribe) | 7/3 to 7/9/00 | Santiago de Cuba, Sr. Roberto Fajardo, Telf. (3226)42287, Fax:(53226)42387 y (537)662053 |
Celebracion del 98 aniversario del nacimiento de Nicolas Guillén | 7/10 - 7/12/00 | Havana, Cuba. Small event, workshop and round-table, larger event next spring |
History, Culture And Society In The African Diaspora, 7/00 | 7/23/00 - 7/30/00 | Eleggua Project, Santiago, Matanzas, Havana. |
Internacional Mitos en el Caribe |
8/00 | Casa de las Americas, Centro de Estudios del Caribe |
Coloquio Internacional "Mitología Afroamericana" | 8/7/00 to 8/11/00 | Casa de Las Américas, Havana: Lic. Vivian Martínez Tabares, Telf. (537) 552706/09, Fax:(537) 334554 y 334641, Email: casa@casa.cult.cu |
Eleggua Project, Interdisciplinary Conference and Field research | 1/3/00 - 1/17/00 |
All over Cuba, many sites of intense cultural and religious interest |
ENCUENTRO DE HISTORIADORES LOCALES, SANTIAGO | 11/20-11/24, 1999 | La Casa del Caribe, Santiago http://www.cubarte.cult.cu/ccaribe/index.html ![]() |
IMPOSIO SOBRE CULTURA CUBANA: Identidad y Nacionalidad | December 22-25, 1999 | Centro Cultural Africano Fernando Ortiz, Catedra de Estudios Afrocaribenos Romulo Lachatanere, Santiago |
10/19 - 10/25, 1999 | Centro Cultural Africano Fernando Ortiz, Catedra de Estudios Afrocaribenos Romulo Lachatanere, Santiago |
VII Premio de Musicología y Coloquio Internacional: Musicología y Globalización: | 25-oct to 29-oct '99 | Casa de Las Américas, Havana |
Kiba Kreyol '99 International Festival: Festival around the language of Haiti, Martinique, the Seychelles Islands, Reunion, Rodrigues, Santa Lucia, French Guyana, Guadeloupe and Cuba. |
7/31 to 8/3, 1999 | Havana, the Caribbean Association of Cuba CANCELLED ![]() |
Proyecto Palo Monte, AFROCUBAN DRUMS, RITUALS & CULTURES, Workshops and Field Research in Matanzas, Cuba | 6/20 - 6/26 |
Matanzas, the capital of Africa in the Americas, with Israel Molinaire and Jorge L. Rodríguez. |
Eleggua Project, Interdisciplinary Conference and Field research | 6/21 - 7/5 1999 |
All over Cuba, many sites of intense cultural and religious interest |
31st conference of the Association of Caribbean Historians | 11-17 April 1999 | Havana, Cuba |
V Taller ORTIZ-LACHATANERE: ethnography workshop | April 5-9, 1999 | Centro Cultural Africano Fernando Ortiz, Catedra de Estudios Afrocaribenos Romulo Lachatanere, Santiago |
Cuba and the United States in the 21st Century | March 30 - April 1, 2017 | Florida University, Gainsville. Roberto Zurbano, Alejandro de la Fuente, Rafael Hernández (Temas), keynotes. |
“More Than White, More Than Mulatto, More Than Black”: Racial Politics in Cuba and the Americas. 10th Conference on Cuban and Cuban American Studies. | February 26–28, 2015 | Florida International University, Miami, FL |
Questions of Racial Identity, Racism and anti-Racist Policies in Cuba Today, Center for International Policy | 6/2/11 | Washington, DC with Esteban Morales et al. Open to the public. |
of a Revolution: Cuba, 1959-2009 |
May 7-9 2009 | Queen's University, Kingston,
Ontario with Gloria Rolando, Pedro Perez Sarduy, Nancy Morejon, and many others. |
El Tambor Llama! Tanbou A Rele! (The Drum Calls). Sacred Drumming Traditions of Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Haiti and Puerto Rico, Abakuá paintings by Orbein, Abakuá music by Proyecto Enyenison Enkama | April 25, 2009 | Hostos Community College/CUNY, the Bronx, NY |
Afro-Cuba at the Crossroads: Arts, Culture, History conference/demo/films/exhibits with numerous participants | Sep 16 - Nov 30, 2007 | University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin Free and open to the public |
National Summit on Cuba: New Jersey, 2006 |
Oct 28, 2006 |
Rutgers University Newark, NJ |
"Recreating Africa in the Americas Through Rhythms and Rituals" - a multi-disciplinary conference at DePaul University dealing with cultural ties between Cuba and West Africa, including Yoruba, Igbo, and Efik traditions, 4/4 & 4/5/03, Chicago
The African Roots of Cuban Culture: History and Present Reality by Daisy Diaz Mora representing the Nicolas Guillen Foundation in Cuba, in Portland, Maine, on 3/18/03
From Havana to Harlem: Same Struggle, Same Fight, Panel Discussion, Harvard Law School, 3/3/03
Cuba Today at Georgia State, A Symposium where Cuban and American scholars and artists will discuss the arts, culture and politics of contemporary Cuba | 4/10/01 | Atlanta, GA |
The 31st Annual Conference on African Linguistics, Boston University, Boston, MA | 2 March to 5 March 2000 | Panel presentation on 3/4: "Afro-Atlantic languages & religious texts", excellent presentations! |
Pedro Perez Sarduy "AfroCuban Voices 2000" Seminars | 3/18/00 - 5/15/00 | Tour of 15 US cities |
Cuban Counterpoints: The Fernando Ortiz Symposium on Cuban Culture and History | 3/20/00 to 3/22/00 | City University, NY, with Cuban films and participation from Cuba |
A Conference on Afro-Cubans in Cuban Society: Past, Present and Future, September 16-17, 1999 | Sep 16 - 17, '99 | Johns Hopkins University, with the cooperation of TransAfrica and the participation of the Congressional Black Caucus and the Fundacion Ortiz |
The International Forum on Orisha Tradition and Culture in the Third Millennium | 5/21/99 | Caribbean Cultural Center, NY |
Contemporary Art in Cuba: Irony and Survival on the Utopian Island | Sep 27 - Dec 13, 1998 | University of Arizona, Tempe. Over 20 artists. |
Racial Identity, State Formation, and Nationalism: Cuba in a Comparative Perspective |
November 5-6, 1998 |
University of Texas at Austin. Free to the Public |
Views of the AfroCuban Community, | Oct 30 - 31st, 1998 | Center for International Policy, Miami |
Historical and Contemporary African-American/Afro-Cuban Relations | October 15, 1998 | TransAfrica, Washington, DC |
Maferefun: African Spirituality in Cuban Art | Sep 15-27, 1998 | Center for Cuban Studies & the Met, NY. All star cast of artists and musicians |
Negritud |
3/22/2012 - 3/24/2012 |
San Juan, Puerto Rico: Tercera Conferencia de Estudios Afro - Latinoamericanos, Third Conference of Afro-Latin American Studies, |
Saturday 24th April 2010 | The Department of Dance, Film and Theatre Studies University of Surrey (UK) |
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