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Conferences & Exhibits

Upcoming: Cuba Past Conferences & Exhibits: Cuba
Upcoming: US & Canada Past Conferences & Exhibits: the US
Upcoming: Caribbean Past Conferences: Caribbean
Upcoming Europe Past Conferences: Europe

See also Dance and Music Workshops and Festivals & Carnivals.  See also Traveling to Cuba

In Cuba

Progressive Community Technology Delegation-Trip to Cuba April 9-17 Havana
XV Conferencia Internacional
«Cultura africana y afroamericana»
Dedicado África y su influencia en los países del área
12 al 16 de abril del 2016 Santiago De Cuba
XV International Conference on
the African and Afro American Culture
Dedicated to Africa and its influence in the countries of the area
 from 12 to 16 abril, 2016 Santiago De Cuba

From the Buro de Convenciones

You can find out about other conferences in Cuba at the Buro de Convenciones' web site:

In the Caribbean

In Europe

In the US & Canada

27th Annual Symposium: "Afro-Latin America: Rethinking, Identity, Politics & Culture"  

December 1-3, 2011

African American Studies & Research Center, Perdue University

Enkiko Erufie Erufie: Drawings by Jose Orbein.  These drawings have their inspiration in Abakwa themes.

Opening Night:  June 3, 2011,

Arte Puro at Deauville Beach Resort, Miami.

Past Conferences, some with reports: in Cubatop

XIII International Conference On The African and Afro American Culture. Dedicated to Africa and its influence in the countries of the area. 12th to 16th of April, 2014 Centro Cultural Africano, Fernando Ortiz, Santiago De Cuba
XIII Conferencia Internacional «Cultura Africana y Afroamericana», Santiago de Cuba. Dedicado a África y su influencia en los países del área. 12 al 16 de abril del 2014 Centro Cultural Africano, Fernando Ortiz, Santiago De Cuba
IX Coloquio y Festival Internacional de Música y Poesía Nicolás Guillén April 8-11. 2014 La Habana
VIII Bienal de Oralidad y IX Simposio Teorico, Santiago de Cuba - de los patakies al hip hop. 8 al 12 de septiembre del 2013 Centro Cultural Africano, Fernando Ortiz, Santiago De Cuba
Afrocubanas invita: Taller Género y “raza”  30/1/2013 Negra Cubana: El Grupo de Mujeres Afrocubanas y ARA-Cuba les invitan al Taller Género y “raza” que se llevará a efecto el día 30 de enero ...impartido por la socióloga y Máster en estudios de Género, Yulexis Almeida, profesora de la carrera de Sociología de la Universidad de La Habana.
XVII Taller Científico de Antropología Social y Cultural Afroamericana y VI Encuentro de Oralidad “Festival Afropalabra” 6 - 10 de enero 2013 La Habana, Cuba. Se dedicará a la cultura Abacuá.
XXXII Caribbean Festival, Feast of Fire, Dedicated to Martinique  - Fiesta del Fuego

7/3/2012 - 7/9/2012

City of Santiago de Cuba

Convocatoria al XIX Encuentro de Comunicadores Sociales "Caribe 2000"

7/3/12 - 7/7/12

Santiago de Cuba. Hace parte del Fiesta del Fuego.

11th Havana Biennial

May 17 - June 7, 2012 Cuba's premier art festival, La Habana

XIIth International Conference on African and Afro- American Cultures

4/12/2012 - 4/16/2012 Santiago de Cuba
The Black Women of Cuba from the 20th Century into the 21st

 May 21 to 28, 2011

Trip from US to Cuba organized by Common Ground and Pedro Perez Sarduy.
¿Existe la discriminación racial en Cuba hoy? 6/25/11  Cofradía de la Negritud, La Habana
15 Taller de Antropologia Social y Cultural Afroamericana
 7-1-2011 Opus Habana
XIII Taller Científico de Antropología Social y Cultural Afroamericana y II Encuentro de Oralidad "Festival Afropalabra" 

6/1/09 - 10/1/09

Casa de Africa, La Habana, Cuba

Convocatoria: Coloquio Internacional sobre Investigaciones de las Religiones Afroamericanas 25/5/08-27/5/08 la Habana, Cuba

X International Conference African and Afroamerican Culture Santiago de Cuba,  - Dedicated to Africa and its influence on the region

Dedicado África y su influencia en los países del área 

April 14 to 17, 2008

14 al 17 de abril del 2008

Santiago de Cuba

The 5th International Congress on Culture and Development


Havana: conference on cultural diversity, workshops included.

VIII Conferencia Internacional ANTROPOLOGIA 2006 27-Nov 30-Nov C. Habana Centro de Antropología Havanatur Dr. Pedro Pablo Godo Torres, Telf.(537)8775661 y 8782341,
(replace _AT_ with @)
IX Conferencia Internacional " Cultura Africana Y Afroamericana," Santiago De Cuba,  

4/10/06 - 4/15/06

III Conference: The Nation and Emigration

May 21-23, 2004.

la Habana

XXIV Caribbean Festival, Feast of Fire

3rd to 9th July, 2004

City of Santiago de Cuba and Guantanamo. Call for participation in the colloquia.

VIII Taller Científico de Antropología Social y Cultural sobre la influencia africana en la cultura "Entre Cubanos"

1/6/2004 - 1/9/2004

La Casa de Africa de la Oficina del Historiador de la Ciudad
Percussion XIV International Percussion Festival PERCUBA 2003 4/15/2003
Teatro Amadeo Roldán
African Cultural Center
8th World Orisha CONGRESS 7/7/03-7/13/03 Havana, Asociacion Cultural Yoruba De Cuba in collaboration with the World Orisha Congress
VII Taller Científico de Antropología Social y Cultural sobre la influencia africana en la cultura "Entre Cubanos"  January, 2003 La Habana, Casa de Africa
Simposio Nicolás Guillén October, 2002 Camaguey, his birth place
VII Conferencia Internacional de Cultura Africana y Afroamericana 4/14/02 - 4/20/02

Centro Conv. Heredia Santiago de Cuba Lic. Pedro A. López Cerviño, Telf.(53226)654571 al 72,


IV Simposio Internacional "La Presencia Arabe e Islamica en América" 10/8/02 - 10/12/02

Unión Arabe de Cuba Ciudad de La Habana Sr. Alfredo Deriche Gutiérrez, Telf. (537)610582 y 614575, Fax:(537)338074,
Race and Revolution:
Afro-Cubans in Cuban History, Society and the Cuban Revolution

May, 2002

Course offered by St Mary's University, Halifax, Canada, Spring Term 2002 with trip to Cuba in May. See updated schedule with many links.
 "SOCIAL JUSTICE IN CUBA" will commence in mid-May for two weeks for a candid examination of the achievements and aspirations of  women, people of colour, youth, and lesbians and gays on the island.  Monday 13 May - Monday 27 May, 2002. Canada's New Democratic Party's Socialist Caucus
July 7 - 14, 2002 La Habana, Cuba - on the noted poet whose work was inspired by earlier generations of Africans, especially those from Oyo, Nigeria.
Afro-Cuba Today: People, Culture and Historical Environment July 6-27, 2002 University of Massachusetts, Department of Africana Studies
Cultural/historical tour of Havana and Trinidad March 15-23 , 2002 CCE, ($1,995)top
 2001 Musicology Award. International Colloquium On Musicology 10/22-10/27/01 Casa De Las Americas, Havana
VI Taller Científico de Antropología Social y Cultural sobre la influencia africana en la cultura "Entre Cubanos"  1/6/02 - 1/9/02 Casa de Africa, Havana
call for papers
Second Colloquium "Marcelino Arozarena, poeta cubana actual y actuante" ["Marcelino Arozarena, Cuban poet of action and activism"] 4/14/01 - 4/16/01 Havana, Cuba
III Festival y Coloquio de Música y Poesía "Nicolás Guillén" 4/16/01 - 4/21/01 Havana, Cuba
XXI Festival Del Caribe : features an extensive workshop on popular religion, which translates to religions of African origin. Call for participation. 7/3/01 - 7/9/01 Santiago de Cuba
In conjunction with Casa del Caribe, the African Atlantic Research Team (AART), University of Colorado, presents RACE, RELIGION, AND NATIONAL IDENTITY 12/27/00 - 1/2/01 Santiago de Cuba
Cuba: Indigenous Legacies of the Caribbean A Tour-Conference - "Music, Plants and Healing"


January 5 -12, 2001 In Cuba: Antonio Nufiez Jimenez Foundation for Nature and Man
In Canada: Indigenous World Tours/Plenty Canada, Dr. Jose Barreiro
V Taller Científico de Antropología Social y Cultural Afroamericana -- call for papers 1/6/01 - 1/9/01 La Havana, Casa de Africa
Nombre Fecha  Sede Provincia Turoperador Datos del Comité Organizador E-Mail
Inicio Fin
Festival de Raices Africanas "Wemilere" 11/22/00 11/28/00 Guanabacoa Ciudad de La Habana PARADISO Sra. Ada Rosa Alfonso Rosales, Telf. (537)970202 y 979187

<no disponible>


III Encuentro Internacional de Estudiantes de Artes Plásticas 11/1/00   Facultad Artes Plásticas ISA Ciudad de La Habana PARADISO Lic. Miguel Mariano Gómez Hernández, Telf. (537)210083, Fax:(537)336633,

Taller Internacional de Guión, Producción y Realización de Espectáculos Musicales 9/1/00 9/30/00 Teatro Ciudad de La Habana PARADISO Sr. Eduardo Valdés Rivero, Telf. (537)323184 y 553113, Fax:(537)333158,

Por las Huellas de México 9/15/00 9/19/00 Plaza de la Revolución Granma PARADISO Sr. José Antonio Leyva, Telf. (5323)424833 y 425302, Fax:(5323)426513,

Festival de La Habana de Música Contemporanea 10/1/00 10/9/00 Teatros Ciudad de La Habana PARADISO Viajes Cubanacan Sr. Guido López Gavilán, Telf. (357)320194 y 327121, Fax:(537)333158,


Community & Culture: on cultural activism at the neighborhood level in Cuba! "Our mission is to preserve and foster Traditional Popular Culture." 10/16/00 - 10/20/00 Habana, Cuba.  US representative at -- -- Tel : 510 464-5902top
XX Festival del Caribe "Fiesta del Fuego" (see last year's notice and also call for papers, XX Festival del Caribe) 7/3 to 7/9/00 Santiago de Cuba, Sr. Roberto Fajardo, Telf. (3226)42287, Fax:(53226)42387 y (537)662053
Celebracion del 98 aniversario del nacimiento de Nicolas Guillén 7/10 - 7/12/00 Havana, Cuba.  Small event, workshop and round-table, larger event next spring
History, Culture And Society In The African Diaspora, 7/00 7/23/00 - 7/30/00 Eleggua Project, Santiago, Matanzas, Havana.
Coloquio Internacional
Mitos en el Caribe
8/00 Casa de las Americas, Centro de Estudios del Caribe
Coloquio Internacional "Mitología Afroamericana" 8/7/00 to 8/11/00 Casa de Las Américas, Havana:  Lic. Vivian Martínez Tabares, Telf. (537) 552706/09, Fax:(537) 334554 y 334641, Email:
Eleggua Project, Interdisciplinary Conference and Field research

1/3/00 - 1/17/00

All over Cuba, many sites of intense cultural and religious interest
ENCUENTRO DE HISTORIADORES LOCALES, SANTIAGO 11/20-11/24, 1999 La Casa del Caribe, Santiago
IMPOSIO SOBRE CULTURA CUBANA: Identidad y Nacionalidad December 22-25, 1999 Centro Cultural Africano Fernando Ortiz, Catedra de Estudios Afrocaribenos Romulo Lachatanere, Santiago
: Oral Tradition
10/19 - 10/25, 1999 Centro Cultural Africano Fernando Ortiz, Catedra de Estudios Afrocaribenos Romulo Lachatanere, Santiago
VII Premio de Musicología  y Coloquio Internacional: Musicología y Globalización: 25-oct to 29-oct '99 Casa de Las Américas, Havana

Kiba Kreyol '99 International Festival: Festival around the language of Haiti, Martinique, the Seychelles Islands, Reunion, Rodrigues, Santa Lucia, French Guyana, Guadeloupe and Cuba.

7/31 to 8/3, 1999 Havana, the Caribbean Association of Cuba

Proyecto Palo Monte, AFROCUBAN DRUMS, RITUALS & CULTURES, Workshops and Field Research in Matanzas, Cuba

6/20 - 6/26

Matanzas, the capital of Africa in the Americas, with Israel Molinaire and Jorge L. Rodríguez.
Eleggua Project, Interdisciplinary Conference and Field research

6/21 - 7/5 1999

All over Cuba, many sites of intense cultural and religious interest
31st conference of the Association of Caribbean Historians 11-17 April 1999 Havana, Cuba
V Taller ORTIZ-LACHATANERE: ethnography workshop April 5-9, 1999 Centro Cultural Africano Fernando Ortiz, Catedra de Estudios Afrocaribenos Romulo Lachatanere, Santiago
Afropop Worldwide Cultural Study Tour (Eng) February 4-15, 1999
Havana, Matanzas, Santiago
III Seminar Of The Euroafrican And Eurolatinamerican Comparative Studies Group: "The Decolonization Of Present-Day Relations Among Europe, Africa And Latin America" - (Eng)
November 20-26, 1998 Universities of La Havana and Matanzastop
COLOQUIO INTERNACIONAL 1998 EN LAS ANTILLAS: historia, testimonio y literatura. (Sp)
December 14-18, 1998 Casa de las Americas, Havana
II Seminario   EL CARIBE CONTINENTAL: Tradicion Oral y Literatura (Sp)
September 14-18, 1998 Casa de las Americas, Havana
III Seminario el Caribe Continental: Sus Expresiones Musicales (Sp)
September 13-17, 1998 Casa de las Americas, Havana
III Seminario el Caribe Continental: Sus Expresiones Musicales (Sp)
September 13-17, 1998 Casa de las Americas, Havana
VI Seminario CULTURA AFROAMERICANA: Panorama de las religiones afrocubanas (Sp) August 17-28, 1998 Casa de las Americas, Havana
Indigenous Legacies of the Caribbean November 16 - 23, 1997 Santiago, Baracoa
The Cuban Revolution in Transition: Black Reflections on Race, Politics, and Culture in Cuba Today: November 1, 1997 Columbia University, NewYork City

Past Conferences, some with reports: in the UStop

Cuba and the United States in the 21st Century March 30 - April 1, 2017  Florida University, Gainsville. Roberto Zurbano, Alejandro de la Fuente, Rafael Hernández (Temas), keynotes.
“More Than White, More Than Mulatto, More Than Black”: Racial Politics in Cuba and the Americas. 10th Conference on Cuban and Cuban American Studies. February 26–28, 2015 Florida International University, Miami, FL
Questions of Racial Identity, Racism and anti-Racist Policies in Cuba Today, Center for International Policy 6/2/11  Washington, DC with Esteban Morales et al. Open to the public.

Measure of a Revolution: Cuba, 1959-2009
International Conference

May 7-9 2009 Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario
with Gloria Rolando, Pedro Perez Sarduy, Nancy Morejon,
and many others.
El Tambor Llama! Tanbou A Rele! (The Drum Calls). Sacred Drumming Traditions of Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Haiti and Puerto Rico,  Abakuá paintings by Orbein, Abakuá music by Proyecto Enyenison Enkama April 25, 2009  Hostos Community College/CUNY, the Bronx, NY
Afro-Cuba at the Crossroads: Arts, Culture, History conference/demo/films/exhibits with numerous participants Sep 16 - Nov 30, 2007 University of Wisconsin
Madison, Wisconsin
Free and open to the public
National Summit on Cuba: New Jersey, 2006

Oct 28, 2006

Rutgers University
Newark, NJ

"Recreating Africa in the Americas Through Rhythms and Rituals" - a multi-disciplinary conference at DePaul University dealing with cultural ties between Cuba and West Africa, including Yoruba, Igbo, and Efik traditions, 4/4 & 4/5/03, Chicago

The African Roots of Cuban Culture: History and Present Reality by Daisy Diaz Mora representing the Nicolas Guillen Foundation in Cuba, in Portland, Maine, on 3/18/03

From Havana to Harlem: Same Struggle, Same Fight, Panel Discussion, Harvard Law School, 3/3/03

Cuba Today at Georgia State,  A Symposium where Cuban and American scholars and artists will discuss the arts, culture and politics of contemporary Cuba 4/10/01 Atlanta, GA
 The 31st Annual Conference on African Linguistics, Boston University, Boston, MA 2 March to 5 March 2000 Panel presentation on 3/4: "Afro-Atlantic languages & religious texts", excellent presentations!
Pedro Perez Sarduy "AfroCuban Voices 2000" Seminars 3/18/00 - 5/15/00 Tour of 15 US cities
Cuban Counterpoints: The Fernando Ortiz Symposium on Cuban Culture and History 3/20/00 to 3/22/00 City University, NY,  with Cuban films and participation from Cuba
A Conference on Afro-Cubans in Cuban Society: Past, Present and Future,  September 16-17, 1999 Sep 16 - 17, '99 Johns Hopkins University, with the cooperation of TransAfrica and the participation of the Congressional Black Caucus and the Fundacion Ortiz
The International Forum on Orisha Tradition and Culture in the Third Millennium 5/21/99 Caribbean Cultural Center, NY
Contemporary Art in Cuba: Irony and Survival on the Utopian Island Sep 27 - Dec 13, 1998 University of Arizona, Tempe.  Over 20 artists.

Racial Identity, State Formation, and Nationalism: Cuba in a Comparative Perspective

November 5-6, 1998
University of Texas at Austin. Free to the Public
Views of the AfroCuban Community, Oct 30 - 31st, 1998 Center for International Policy, Miami
Historical and Contemporary African-American/Afro-Cuban Relations October 15, 1998 TransAfrica, Washington, DC
Maferefun: African Spirituality in Cuban Art Sep 15-27, 1998 Center for Cuban Studies & the Met, NY.  All star cast of artists and musicians

Past Conferences: Caribbeantop


3/22/2012 - 3/24/2012

San Juan, Puerto Rico: Tercera Conferencia de Estudios Afro - Latinoamericanos, Third Conference of Afro-Latin American Studies, 


Past Conferences: Europe

Saturday 24th April 2010 The Department of Dance, Film and Theatre Studies
University of Surrey (UK)


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